Heal-Thy Gums Gum Massage Oil for Gingivitis, Recession, & Gum Pockets

Heal-Thy Gums Gum Massage Oil for Gingivitis, Recession, & Gum Pockets

$25.00 Sale Save
Size 1 oz

Only 0 left in stock


*coconut oil, ozone, *anantamul, *triphala, 
*pearl, *amla, *oatstraw, *shavegrass,
*cardamom, *white oak bark, *musta, miswak, *sandalwood, *bhringaraj, honeysuckle, *neem, *kalmegh, *turmeric, *chlorophyll,
*slippery elm, *rose, *nettles, *manjistha,
*clove, *myrrh, theobromine, *licorice,


Apply to your fingers and lovingly massage into your gums! This is full of bitter and astringent and cooling herbs to pull excess heat from the gums (gingivitis or inflammatory conditions). We also use herbs known to help shrink gum pockets! This would be the best blend we have to address recession and abscesses as well. 

* This gum oil is now ozonated! That being said, it is not ozonated as much as we were hoping for and we also forgot to put ozone on the label. But either way it is still great and potent as it was before and we will be working to further ozonate in the future :)

Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews

I like the taste. Hopefully it will heal my gums.

Gitanjali Artham
Healed my front teeth

My front teeth had some mineral loss I beleive but after using the remineralizing tooth paste. I noticed a change.


Very good

Rachel Deprey
Jury still out

I’ve been faithfully using the gum oil with no noticeable changes. I’m hopeful I’ll start seeing results soon, but honestly done of the products have made a difference in my teeth/oral care yet. I’ve used the paste, tooth powder, gum oil, tooth serum and tooth puddy at this point.

Leah Church
My gums feel good

I have only been using Heal-Thy gums oil for a month, but I can definitely attest to its soothing qualities. When I apply it, my gums feel better. Like inflammation is being reduced. I sometimes get that mild pulsing sensation as when I apply the tooth puddy, so I know it’s busy working! I use the oil 1-2x/day and I’m eager to see how prolonged use continues to heal my gums.

Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews

I like the taste. Hopefully it will heal my gums.

Gitanjali Artham
Healed my front teeth

My front teeth had some mineral loss I beleive but after using the remineralizing tooth paste. I noticed a change.


Very good

Rachel Deprey
Jury still out

I’ve been faithfully using the gum oil with no noticeable changes. I’m hopeful I’ll start seeing results soon, but honestly done of the products have made a difference in my teeth/oral care yet. I’ve used the paste, tooth powder, gum oil, tooth serum and tooth puddy at this point.

Leah Church
My gums feel good

I have only been using Heal-Thy gums oil for a month, but I can definitely attest to its soothing qualities. When I apply it, my gums feel better. Like inflammation is being reduced. I sometimes get that mild pulsing sensation as when I apply the tooth puddy, so I know it’s busy working! I use the oil 1-2x/day and I’m eager to see how prolonged use continues to heal my gums.