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Bliss Energetics

Heal-Thy Gums Gum Massage Oil for Gingivitis, Recession, & Gum Pockets

Heal-Thy Gums Gum Massage Oil for Gingivitis, Recession, & Gum Pockets

Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 USD
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*coconut oil, ozone, *anantamul, *triphala, 
*pearl, *amla, *oatstraw, *shavegrass,
*cardamom, *white oak bark, *musta, miswak, *sandalwood, *bhringaraj, honeysuckle, *neem, *kalmegh, *turmeric, *chlorophyll,
*slippery elm, *rose, *nettles, *manjistha,
*clove, *myrrh, theobromine, *licorice,


Apply to your fingers and lovingly massage into your gums! This is full of bitter and astringent and cooling herbs to pull excess heat from the gums (gingivitis or inflammatory conditions). We also use herbs known to help shrink gum pockets! This would be the best blend we have to address recession and abscesses as well. 

* This gum oil is now ozonated! That being said, it is not ozonated as much as we were hoping for and we also forgot to put ozone on the label. But either way it is still great and potent as it was before and we will be working to further ozonate in the future :)

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